When I'm Not Blogging...

I haven't been blogging much lately. I haven't kept up with my Google Reader lately. (Did you know that when it gets up to 1000 it stops counting?) What's the reason? I got this crazy idea that I wanted to learn video editing. See, there is this video genius I work with, named Eric Blair, that makes it look so easy. He produces movies for us to use in daily morning school announcements and special celebrations.

I admired his work so much that I asked if he thought I could learn to do it. He assured me I could. To make a long story short---a month and a half later and endless lessons and questions Eric endured----I made my first movie. I filmed my principal doing a virtual school tour for our conference presentation. I learned so much. Thanks Eric!

My next challenge was getting it posted on the web so we could embed it in our conference blog. I have since learned about file types and upload limits on the many different sites: youtube, teachertube, googlevideo... I was so frustrated about not being able to get it up for viewing. I put it out on my twitter network to see if anyone else knew what to do and Liz B. Davis shared with me success she had with blip.tv. I gave it a try - and finally....success! The quality isn't the same, but since I can't invite you all over for popcorn and soda to sit and watch it, this will have to do. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Aww shucks Melanie, you're not so bad yourself.

Moena Perry said...

Melanie, you inspire me. I learn so much from listening and watching you in action --- you mean to tell me you can't do it ALL? Could've fooled me.