Google Teacher Academy - Please Pick Me!

Google Teacher Academy is an opportunity to get hands-on practice with Google tools and other technologies, learn new and innovative instructional strategies, receive resources to share with colleagues and the amazing chance to absorb the creative corporate environment that is Google. The only thing they ask in return is that you share what you learn with other educators.
Only 50 people are chosen for the academy and I can only imagine how many apply. Everyone in the world is invited, but preference is given to those located in the region nearest the academy. It may be a long shot, but I think, well worth a try.
Here is how the website defines a Google Certified Teacher:
Educators who attend a Google Teacher Academy become Google Certified Teachers.
Google Certified Teachers are:
*Exceptional K-12 educators with a passion for using innovative tools to improve teaching and learning.
*Creative leaders who understand their local needs and can spread innovation as a recognized expert.
*Ambassadors for change who model high expectations, life-long learning, collaboration, equity &
inclusion and innovation.
Google Certified Teachers are expected to:
*Develop a "Personal Action Plan"
*Lead at least three local professional development activites over the course of 12 months.
*Actively participate in the Google Certified Teacher Online Community.
*Share the impact of their work with other Google Certified Teachers through an end-of-year reflection.
In additon to a free day of training, Google Certified Teachers get:
*Access to the GCT Online Community
*Access to additonal free ed tech resources
*Opportunities to give Google feedback on educational uses of tools
*Invitations to join Google at special events
*The right to post the GCT web badge on their website or blog
The application process is a few essay questions and a one minute video that demonstrates "Motivation and Learning" or "Classroom Innovation". ONE MINUTE! Can I just tell you that a one minute video takes a whole lot longer than a minute to plan, prepare and create....? I probably spent at least a week stressing over what show in a minute. It finally came down to the basics for me. GTA is about learning and sharing. The way I got the position I am in now is by learning and I told my story. And, hopefully inspired Google to see that I'm capable of spreading what I learn from them to many others... here's the video submission to my application. I'd love to hear what you think...and I'll let you know what Google says in the next few weeks when they announce the academy members.
Google would be lucky to get you on their official teacher team! You are amazing -obviously meeting all of the qualifications for which they are looking!
Great job, Melanie! I'd vote for you! :)
Jenny - Thanks!
Andrea - I've got my fingers crossed that we BOTH get to go!
When you go to New York, can you pick me up a tshirt?
I love it! I can't wait to pick your brain after this one!
Does Live From the Creek apply to this training too? ;)
I can't think of anyone I know that better models the ideals that Google is looking for - they would be lucky to have you spread their word!!
Great story on how you created your position! What a forwarding thinking (21st century!) principal to see the need for such a job! I'm impressed at how you inspired your colleagues to start blogging, using wikis, and collaborating with global projects and Ning; all by modeling!
Good luck on your application. There were over 500 people who applied to the GTA that was recently held in Chicago. I was waitlisted and did not end up attending. I know may educators who did and said it was an amazing, energizing, exhausing experience. Can't wait for MY turn! I will apply again. :)
I've added you to my Google Reader and look forward to hearing about your GTA adventure and everything else you are up to!
If you get accepted your forward thinking principal wants to go to NYC and be your tour guide!
Love the video, Suzanne's picture cracks me up.
That was great! They would be crazy not to pick you. I also LOVE the song you chose. Good luck!
Rachel Happ
You know you're in the doghouse for publishing this picture of me! argggg...
You deserve it! I can't imagine all the "geeky" information you'd be bringing back to the Creek.
Eric, I would definitely get you a shirt if I get to go.
Melissa, LIVE from the Creek ( our PD blog ) would be a must!
Thanks for the sweet comments dayle, Rachel, Meli, Susan and Michelle!
Jepcke - Nice corresponding with you and hope I get to meet you f2f one day.
Suzanne- You know you let me take that photo! You are gorgeous no matter what!
Hi, My name is Nikki and I'm a student at the University of NE, I came across your blog while doing an assignment and got a kick out of you! I loved your video!
Thanks Nikki! I hope your assignment wasn't locating crazy teachers - LOL!
Melanie -
LOVE the video clip. You know I think you are wonderful and I am sure they will too when they get to meet you. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you get chosen. Of course you know we will all be bugging you the minute you come back.
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