I've been wanted to try out Gabcast ever since I heard about it and today I finally did. Gabcast is a free site that provides you a channel to record a podcast or audio greeting on your phone that you can then publish or paste in your website or blog. My first thought when I heard about it was how neat it would be to use for field trips or when moving around the school. With that in mind, I dialed up the gabcast number while waiting at the airport today with my kids. We recorded a short podcast about our mini field trip to the airport. The audio isn't the best, but that may have been the phone I was on, the noises around me or other variables...but for it's purpose, I thought it was a cool little tool to use and I definitely will be using it on our next class field trip. Enjoy!
just added it to my del.icio.us - will try it out sometime. Thanks for the introduction to it!
This is so-o-o-o cool! I love the idea of using it on a field trip. I'd love to brainstorm some other ways to use it educationally....
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