Jump into the 21st Century

If you're ready to dip your toe into the pool of 21st Century technology tools but don't know the difference between a wiki and a weblog, Will Richardson's book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms is for you!

We have just entered this pool ourselves at my school, but it is an exciting endeavor. The best way to get up to date with the latest happenings on the web with instructional technology is to read edublogs (educator blogs). Here are some places to visit on the blogosphere as recommended by Will:
Alan Levine
Barbara Ganley
Anne Davis
David Warlick
James Farmer
Stephen Downes
Tim Lauer
Tim Wilson
Tom Hoffman
Ken Smith
Jenny Levine
Konrad Glogowski
Clarence Fisher
If you want to see who I recommend, see my blogroll on the lower right hand column on this blog.

When I first started trying to keep up with reading blogs I was clicking back and forth checking every blog for new posts. Thankfully, I discovered Google Reader, which shows you only the unread posts when you log in so you will always be current. Give it a try!