Technology + Exercise = ????

I received the wonderful gift of an IPOD touch for Mother's Day and have enjoyed listening to my favorite tunes while walking or running on the treadmill. BUT...after 30 minutes I am tired of listening to music and find myself literally counting the seconds until I can stop. (Maybe I have attention issues. )
SO....this weekend I came up with a plan of attack. I went into itunes movies section for the first time and choose a lifetime movie to download and play while exercising. Perfect solution! I have four kids, my life is crazy busy, so I never get to watch movies.
So tonight, I smugly saunter over to my treadmill with my IPOD ready to go. I begin walking briskly working up into a light jog and I am feeling like queen of the universe. I'm watching my movie, the sound is turned up loud to block out the buzz of the treadmill and I am transported into exercise utopia. Isn't technology grand? Then, 20 minutes into my movie (which I think is a light drama) the character has a terrifying near fall from a cliff from out of nowhere. I jerk so fast to press pause when the sinister music startles me that I get my arm stuck in the cord, the IPOD flies off the treadmill and I stumble to the side catching myself on my knees. My daughter, who is on the treadmill next to me, stops her machine and stands gaping at me. I started laughing so hard I couldn't stop!
So...I think I'll stick to music for a while. Anyone else have a tip or trick to make exercise more fun? I don't trust my ideas!
You can see me smiling can't you? My ipod is my saving grace during a workout, too, however i find it way too easy to push stop if i run on a treadmill. So, I run outside and still get tired of running after 30-40 minutes, but the beauty is...then I have to turn around and run back!!
I have been downloading books from (iTunes has them too) to listen to when I exercize. Currently am listening to both The Thirteenth Tale and The Last Lecture (not at the same time, just depending on my mood!) Much easier than trying to hold onto a paper book while using the machines and way safer than trying to walk down my road while reading a book--which is what I had been doing!
(This is a different Suzanne) We should trade playlists! I use my Windows Mobile phone instead of an iPod but it works the same. (BTW The greatest invention EVER for the gym are Bluetooth Stereo Headsets--can you say no wires!?)
I cannot stand doing cardio to voice files; too slow. Audio books and podcasts aren't much better while lifting weights, frankly. The music's beat and lyrics motivate me. I have a strange mix of uptempo disco, hiphop, classic rock, and techno/dance that keeps me going. I've even divided my entire music library into fast, medium, and slow so it's easy to grab the kind of songs I want for my next workout.
Tweet or DM me if you want to trade song recommendations. I'd love to hear yours, too! Twitter: lsshanks
I have no tips... obviously! But I sure laughed when I read your post because I could so identify. I don't think it's possible for anyone to hate exercise more than I do! If an iPOD could make me exercise, I'd actually buy one, so let me know how it goes...
No real tips here either....I actually went and cancelled my gym membership just yesterday. Although, I am trying to convince myself it is because I moved houses and schools, Atlantic Beach is just sooooo far away. I find it much easier to be outside when I exercise. I cannot stand being cooped up inside anyway, so I would much rather be riding my bike or walking. Used to be a huge runner (ahhh, back in the day I was fit and toned) but every since I had my daughter I just cannot get back into it. Keep telling myself I will.....
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