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All writing and views expressed are solely my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer or anyone else.
- Melanie
- Melanie

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I'm a Cool Non-Nerd. Are you surprised?
Your Score Summary
For Science/Math:
68% scored higher,
4% scored the same, and
28% scored lower.
For Computers/Technology:
57% scored higher,
4% scored the same, and
39% scored lower.
For Sci-Fi/Comic:
94% scored higher,
3% scored the same, and
3% scored lower.
For History/Literature:
57% scored higher,
6% scored the same, and
37% scored lower.
For Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness:
84% scored higher,
9% scored the same, and
7% scored lower.
And, yes, it must mean something about nerdiness when you take this quiz just because your friend did!!
Hey Melanie!
I hate to admit it but I took the test as well. Unfortunately, my sisters were correct since I scored a Dorky High Nerd. Only 12% scored higher than me in the Sci-Fi/Comic area. I don't even own a comic book? Go figure!
Have a great summer!
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