What I Want to Learn at NECC

Here are the things I really want to know more about:
1. Classroom applications for wikis
2. Ideas for a podcast radio show for our elementary students
3. Global collaboration projects
4. How to use Second Life (on recommendation of Kevin Jarrett)
5. How to use Second Life for professional development
6. E-Portfolios
7. Teaching kids cyber-safety
I am also excited about the prospect of meeting face to face with the many educators who have taught and inspired me on their blogs and twitter. I hope no one has conflicting sessions!
I plan to take lots of pictures and share some of my learning here, but most of my live blogging will be on http://livefromthecreek.blogspot.com So, as I pack my bags to leave in the morning, come follow me to San Antonio and let me hear from you while I'm there!
What you've done here is frame what success will look like for you at NECC and this will allow you to reap the rewards long after the conference is over.
These seven pieces can guide your formal (sessions) and informal (conversations, Bloggers Cafe, Birds of a Feather, etc.) learning so much.
Congrats on taking control of your learning instead of the conference controlling it for you -- believe me, I've done that with conferences before and realized soon after that I had fun and connected but grew very little.
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