Classroom Shelfari
Shelfari is a fun, virtual bookshelf. You display the books you've read, what you're reading now and what you plan to read. You can rate the books with up to five stars and can even write a review if you choose to. The virtual fun comes in
adding Shelfari friends or joining Shelfari groups. Shelfari now shows me what my friends are reading and what groups of readers like me are reading...makes a busy mom's book selection process a lot easier!
All of this fun got me thinking about how a teacher could use it in the classroom. Imagine making Shelfari one of your classroom jobs. Students would log in to your classroom account to add class read alouds, write recommendations or search your pre-selected groups for new books to read. Parents would be able to view the virtual bookshelf to get ideas for great books to buy or check out at the library and kids may want to create their own shelf at home! What do you think? Let me know if you give Shelfari a try!
Oh no! Now I have something else to get addicted to! This is too much fun!! Thanks...I think.
How funny...we are on the same wave length so much of the time. I added Shelfari as a widget on my blog Friday and C 10 set his up on Saturday. We got our idea from you!
Thanks for the mention of Shelfari - I have an account but forgot about it! I need to figure out how to configure the widget correctly to look ok on my edublogs sidebar - once that happens I'll be addicted, I'm sure :-)
Thanks for this great idea. I LOVE the idea of integrating shelfari into the classroom as a weekly helper job. Brilliant! I am loving making my shelf, too. Besides all the other great points you's so visually appealing.
Wow, this is so cool!! I have used the Amazon tool in the past but I love the look of this and the added features :-)
Just posted about Shelfari on my blog and then did a search and found this post that you wrote. Can't wait to use this w/ my class next year. If you're interested in my post, it's here...
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