ibook vs. paper book

If you read on an ipad, nook or kindle you probably get these questions all the time like I do:  "Do you like reading on that thing?  Don't you miss holding a paper book in your hand? 

And I get it, I do, because when I first got an ipad several years ago I had no intention of reading books on it.  I'm a book lover.  I love the smell of all the books in a bookstore.  I love the feel of bent back pages curled in my palm. I love going to the library and browsing through the possibilities. I love sliding down low in a bubble bath sometimes getting the bottom edge of my book a little wet as I read.  It's probably an addiction, but I digress...

The first book I downloaded on my ipad was out of necessity.  We were on our way out of town and I needed something to read in the car because I had just finished a paper book.  I thought it was cool to be able to get a new book in a few seconds and fiddle with the font, backlighting and orientation but it wasn't love at first sight.  I ended up finishing that book quickly and downloading another while we were out of town to read as well.  When we came back to town an avid reading friend handed me a well worn paper book and said, "I just finished this during our break and it was soooooooo good!  You have to read it."  I couldn't wait!  Those kinds of books passed on by another book lover are gems. 

Then I got home and opened to the first page to read it.  I thought:  Ewwww, what kind of font is this book written in?  I wish it was just a smidge bigger font.  Ugh, I forgot...if you are reading in bed you  have to keep a bright enough light on and then when you start getting sleepy you have to get up and go turn off the light.  Wow, two books on the ipad and I was spoiled.  Ruined for all paper books there-ever-after. 

The problem was most of my professional reading was still done on paper.  See, when it comes to professional books I like to tab corners and underline things I want to refer to later. 

Those books are usually wider and lay open flat for me to refer to when making a chart or writing a lesson plan.  I even got caught up in the frenzy of new professional literature to read when my school colleagues and I attended Lucy Calkins recent training.

But I gave professional reading a try on my ipad and once again it has spoiled me.

It can tab pages.

If I want to take notes I don't need a sticky note, I can do it with a click.

I can highlight in multiple colors.

And I can search for a portion of the book I am looking for easily.

So .... paper smaper, give me my ipad.  The only itty bitty issue I have is reading in the tub.  I have to be verrrry careful.  Ha!  What are your reading habits?