Speedgeeking...The Sequel

One of the most popular technology trainings we have ever done at our school was Speedgeeking.  Speedgeeking is a great way to showcase several different technology tools in a short amount of time.  It is also one of the most entertaining trainings we do.  You can revisit my post from last year's session to get the break down on how we set it up because it worked so well we used the exact same format. 

Last year, my technology team and I focused on tools for teachers to use with students.   This year we wanted to focus more on tools teachers could use themselves.  We have had so many people ask us about this training, we tried to capture as much of it as we could for you to see.  Nothing fancy, just real teachers having fun, learning and sharing with the peers in an imaginative way.

Introduction:  Done in the media center where we explain format and split up in groups.

Speedgeeking Intro from Melissa Ross on Vimeo.

Sessions:  Where they rotate to the rooms where the tools are taught

Jamendo from Melissa Ross on Vimeo.



Big Huge Labs from Melissa Ross on Vimeo.



Skype from Melanie Holtsman on Vimeo.

My technology team really owned this for the second year in a row.  These are full time classroom teachers that only meet with me one morning a month and then endure my emails the rest of the time. :)  A big thank you goes to them for teaching the sessions, planning and organizing and this year...FILMING so you could learn from them as well.

Our review from the faculty was done in the same cheeky way as last year.  You can see the results here.
We would love to hear what you think and to get your ideas for topics we could possibly use for next year....speedgeeking, the trilogy!